
The Mzuzu University incident: Where’s the line between fun and disrespect?


The recent incident at Mzuzu University, where some students allegedly mocked Catholic religious practices during a social weekend, has sparked widespread condemnation from the Catholic Youth Council of Malawi (CYCM).

However, this analysis will challenge the reasoning behind the Catholic youths’ outrage, questioning whether they should be responding to such incident(s) at all.

On the surface, the CYCM’s concerns seem valid. They have described the incident as “disrespectful and a threat to religious tolerance.” However, some have argued that the students’ actions were simply a form of catharsis, a way to release pent-up energy and pressure.

This raises questions as to why Roman Catholic youths should respond to such an activity, which was done for pleasure.

Moreover, it’s worth noting that there are more pressing issues within the Catholic Church that have not been addressed. For instance, the release of pornographic videos by some students from Catholic University, which is owned by the Catholics, has not received the same level of outrage. This discrepancy highlights the need for Catholic youths to prioritize their responses and focus on more critical issues.

There are different theories that can help in explaining why the students from Mzuzu University behaved in that way and of it is the theory of Social Identity. In general, the theory states that individuals derive a sense of identity and belonging from the groups they belong to. In this case, the students may have been asserting their identity as non-Catholics or as individuals who do not conform to traditional religious norms.

Additionally, it is essential to consider the role of social norms in shaping the students’ behaviour. In a university setting, where students are often encouraged to express themselves freely, it’s possible that the students who some think mocked Catholic religious practices were simply conforming to what they perceived as the dominant social norm.

Another factor that may have contributed to the students’ behaviour is the concept of groupthink. When individuals are part of a group, they can sometimes lose their sense of personal responsibility and moral boundaries. In the heat of the moment, surrounded by their peers, the students may have felt a sense of anonymity and freedom to act out without considering the consequences.

It is also worth noting that this is not the first time that students at Mzuzu University have been involved in a controversy related to the social norms. In the past, students have clashed with the police over issues relating to freedom of expression especially the use of unpalatable and insulting language to police officers when passing through roadblocks.

The then Vice Chancellor of Mzuzu University, once responded to a complaint from the Inspector General of Malawi Police about students using insulting language towards police officers. In his response he argued that the students’ behaviour was a form of catharsis, a way to release pent-up energy and pressure.

This response highlighted the importance of understanding the context and motivations behind students’ behaviour. Rather than simply condemning their actions, it is essential to engage with them and understand their perspectives.

The outrage over the incident is unwarranted. “They are just browning things out of proportion. I do not take their letter seriously, and I do not take anyone taking the gesture of those girls seriously, taking social activities into mainstream behaviours is fallacious and a waste of time.”

I believe that the students’ actions should be viewed in the context of a social activity, rather than being blown out of proportion and taken as a serious offense.

In this case, it is possible that the students who some say mocked Catholic religious practices were simply trying to have fun and relieve stress. While their actions may have been insensitive and disrespectful, it is vital to approach the situation with empathy and understanding.

Much as the the Catholic Youth Council of Malawi (CYCM) has called on Catholics to respond with restraint and spiritual discernment, the reaction can be termed as overreacting to the issue at hand.

One reason why Catholic youths should not be responding to this incident is that it distracts from more pressing issues within the Church. By focusing on this incident, Catholic youths are diverting attention away from issues such as corruption, abuse of power, and social justice, which are more critical to the Church’s mission and values.

Another reason is that responding to this incident can be seen as hypocritical, given the Church’s own history of scandals and controversies. By condemning the students’ actions, Catholic youths may be perceived as taking a holier-than-thou attitude, which can undermine the Church’s credibility and moral authority.

Furthermore, responding to this incident may also be seen as a missed opportunity for constructive dialogue and engagement. Instead of condemning the students’ actions, Catholic youths could have used this incident as a chance to engage with the students and have a meaningful conversation about respect, tolerance, and understanding.

While it is necessary to respond to different matters, it is equally important not to be hypocritical in nature. We must be willing to acknowledge our own flaws and shortcomings, rather than pointing fingers at others. Mind you, the more the catholic youths talk about this issue, the more “catholic”, issues are being brought for discussion and comparison.

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