Analyst says NRFA Top 3 Positions Predictable

Mzuzu based soccer analyst Phillip Pasula says football followers should expect nominations to reflect on the voting outcome in the next month’s Elective Annual General Assembly in Mzuzu.
Pasula believes that the pattern shown by Super League of Malawi (Sulom) and Football Association of Malawi (FAM) elections will also be seen in the upcoming regional elections.
Asked on expections from the northern nominations Pasula believe Masiya Nyasulu, Ralph Kasililika and Desire Bellings seem to have trust of voters and have an upper hand going by the past trends.
“Nyasulu has shown his capabilities hence banging those nominations cannot come as a surprise I think he has built trust in the region, same as Kasililika as well as Bellings, the nominations speak about the trust the affiliates have in them.” Pasula said confidently.
However another analyst who once served in the association Julius Zimwanda Mithi differs with Pasula’s prediction saying the comparison of Sulom and FAM elections may not be a reflection of regional level while calling on reforms.
“There’s difference in levels in these elections and things can go either way during voting so let’s wait and see but there is a need to reform all football bodies to do away with nominations to incorporate more people.” said Mithi.
In February 2023 in run up to Sulom elections Fleetwood Haiya was nominated by 10 teams whereas Tiya Somba Banda was nominated by 4 teams in votes Haiya got 30 while Banda got 18 in the same pattern in run up to Fam presidential elections Fleetwood Haiya got 5 nominations against 3 of the then incumbent Walter Nyamilandu Manda and Haiya went on to win the elections 23-13 on votes this was also reflected in other positions.
In the northern region the current General Secretary Masiya Nyasulu was nominated by 5 districts while incumbent Chauka Mwasinga got 1 while one chose not to nominate on the vice Chairperson Ralph Kasililika got 5 nominations while his competitor Epimack Lwanja got 2 on the General Secretary position Desire Bellings got 6 nominations whereas Lupakisko Simwera got 1.
All aspirants have shown they have hope that they will make it come February 15 and their reactions can attest.
“This recognition is a great honor and I’m committed to uphold the values of the sport” wrote Mwasinga at the end of nominations.
“Your nominations have given me hope that if I win I will not be alone, I still need your vote to make this dream a reality.” Nyasulu wrote in recognition of nominations.
Ralph Kasililika who is vying for vice chairperson says he is impressed and empowered by the trust from affiliates and believes he can ably deliver to uplift football.
“The nomination speaks about the trust the affiliate has in me looking at the last four years I have been a member and I hope I will have votes so that together with others we can push transformative football forward .” said the former Karonga United Secretary
Epimack Lwanja who is vying for vice chairperson says he believes affiliate will give him support indicating the number of nominations does not translate to votes.
“I believe they will give me votes as nominations are not automatic votes, they know I have delivered in all levels from zone up to district and it’s time to serve the region.” said Lwanja who is the current chairperson for Mzimba District Football Association.
Desire Bellings who is vying for General Secretary says being nominated by 6 districts out of 7 means he has delivered in corraboration with districts for the last four years and hopes they won’t change in voting.
“I have been working together with all affiliates as vice general secretary in the past four years I believe they know that I can deliver and I promise not to disappoint them once voted.” said Bellings who has served as General Secretary for Karonga United and Northern Region Youth Football.
Former General Secretary for Chintheche United Lupakisko Simwera says he is ready to serve at a bigger stage.
“I’m humbled to be nominated to compete and this shows that I’m capable of delivering at that stage, tables can turn it’s time to focus on how to gun more support remember nominations are not votes.” Simwera said in an interview.
The rest of the positions will see vice general secretary Charles Noah Nyirenda, Treasurer Felix Chipeta, Legal Advisor Kolezi Phiri, committee members Rose Phiri, Joshua Chinguwo,Wachisa Munkhondia,Shadreck Chiundiza and Aunward Munthali go unopposed.
The Northern Region Football Association is set to conduct their Elective Annual General Assembly on February 15 in Mzuzu.