Sunganimoyo assures Malawians MCP to remain in government

President of the New Liberation Party (NLP) Isaiah Emmanuel Sunganimoyo, says there’s no way DPP could bounce back into government assuring Malawians that whether one likes it or not, MCP will remain in government.
Sunganimoyo said the DPP seems to be strong today but after the 2025 elections, the party is likely to end like curtains on the wall following the United Democratic Front (UDF) claiming that MCP has strong grassroots support on the ground.
He said the MCP has stayed out of government for 31 years, and its members had strong expectations that one day, the party could win the elections and form government saying that the time is now, and it will be a challenging job to oust the MCP from power.
Speaking through an audio clip circulating on various social media platforms, Sunganimoyo has claimed that during the MCP forming the opposition block for 31 years, constituencies under the MCP parliamentarians were sidelined in development.
Sunganimoyo said other chiefs in the central region were being threatened to join other parties saying what the MCP is doing today is adding numbers to top up its already claimed grassroots support and this will make other parties claim victory in the 2025 elections.
He has assured Malawians that MCP is a national party unlike other opposition parties which are family and it has resources in the form of money to do whatever it has planned in government claiming other tribes and individuals regardless of their political affiliations have benefited from MCP money.
The NLP leader said the only tribe that is not happy with the MCP in government is the minority Lhomwe saying they can not compete with the MCP, three-quarters of the country’s population are the Chewas meaning that 15 million of the 20 million people plus in Malawi are the Chewas.
He has observed that the Lhomwe’s are the only tribe in Malawi that is making noise because they are hungry for power, for years they thought that presidential leadership could be rotating amongst themselves forgetting that there are other tribes in Malawi.
“In 2025 there will be no vote rigging, if 15 million people forming the Chewa tribe unite for one vote, the Chewas will claim victory on their side,” said Sunganimoyo.
He has vowed that he for one will not allow the country’s presidency to go back to the DPP and if this happens, he will go out of the country to either Canada or Italy to stay there assuring DPP members to forget the dream of forming government in 2025.