
Bushiri digs Precious from grass to God’s grace


The story of a young boy from Salima Precious Zamani in a video clip circulating in various social media platforms is so pathetic and could make one cry looking at the beatings and tortures he has suffered from the maize garden he was caught while stealing maize cobs to the village.

Precious has gone through hell as he was made to eat fresh maize cobs without being cooked or roasted and was poured water on to his body while letting some water entering his mouth to digest the fresh maize he was forced to eat.

Those who watched the clip were so amazed looking at the boy being treated inhumanly as an animal and viewers in no sooner started investigating through whatsApp forums to see the origination of the clip demanding all who were beating this young boy to face jail terms.

Leader of the Enlightened Christian Gatherings (ECG) Church Prophet Shephered Bushiri was one of the viewers of the clip and was so amazed wanted to see the boy in person and he phoned one of the investigative journalist Gerald Chavez Kampanikiza of Dedza to travel to Salima to bring Precious to Lilongwe.

Writing on his face book page, Kampanikiza said he travelled from Salima to Lilongwe safely with Precious and his mother and had a dinner with the family that asked him to bring them to Lilongwe and they were taken to a Lodge for a night on that day.

Kampanikiza’s writing did not reveal the identity of the family that brought Precious and his mother Hawa in Lilongwe until when pictures started circulating in various social media platforms that the family referred to, was that of Prophet Bushiri and his wife Prophetess Mary Bushiri.

In a captured video clip depicting how Precious and his mother was arriving in Lilongwe to be in a man of God’s house and dining together, one could tell that the story of Precious Zamani will never be the same for his life, God provide the way where there is no way.

Narrating his story, Precious Zamani said after he left school last year in Standard 2 due to some challenges he and the family were sailing through, he was employed by a certain grandfather to be chasing monkeys in his garden at K5000 per month.

He said he only worked for one month and went to live with his grandparents where one day he decided to steal maize cobs and he was caught where the beatings started up to the village wrapped around his neck with maize cobs while his hands were tied, thanking Prophet Bushiri for the support.
“We are very thankful to Prophet Shephered Bushiri for supporting us, God has changed our lives and we will never be the same,” said Hawa in the captured video clip.

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