
Business man arrested for counterfeit fertiliser at Jenda


Jenda Police in Mzimba on Thursday January 31, 2024 arrested a business man, Bleston Meya, 27 on suspicion that he was found in possession of 72 bags weighing 50 kilograms of counterfeit NPK fertiliser at Jenda Trading Centre in the district.

Jenda Police Station detectives received a tip off that there was a business man possessing fake NPK fertiliser around the trading centre and was offering for sale the same fake products and acting on the tip off, in the evening of January 31, 2024, detectives raided his shop and they found him possessing 72 bags weighing 50 kilograms of NPK fertiliser strongly suspected to be fake hence his arrest.

Preliminary investigations show that the fake fertiliser is a mixture of soil and very little percentage of real fertiliser. All the 72 bags of suspected fake fertiliser have been seized. A sample has been sent to Lunyangwa Research Station for analysis.

The suspect has been charged for being found in possession of counterfeit products and offering for sale the same.

He will appear before court when all paper work is completed.

Jenda Police Station caution farmers and members of the community in general to be observant when buying fertilizer from dealers to avoid being sold counterfeit products and they should report anyone found doing such illegal business.

Meya comes from Kambiri Village in Traditional Authority Kachere in Dedza District.

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