Opinion: Of Prophets And Pastors

Many Malawians consider pastors and prophets very highly such that they will follow their instructions without questioning. Infact, it’s not only Malawians but many Africans do silly things in the church that some of them would even make you laugh.
Some pastors, prophets and men of God, have been dragged to court time and again, for allegedly swindling money from people for their personal use and that of their ministries and churches respectively. This is contrary to the ethics of preaching and teaching in the church and expectations of many believers because it is assumed church leaders are examplery and honest people. However, the opposite has proven to be true that if there are people who are so crooked it is these so called pastors and prophets.
They have been accused of “inappropriate” relationships with other people’s wives and even their own biological daughters in their very own homes “where there is a strange opportunity for adultery”, and breaking marriages within the church and communities they live. According to court records in 2023 some prophets appeared to answer charges of sexual abuse of minors and adultery with married women respectively. This is very shocking news to the Christians.
Convictions and claims for damages have recently been made in court respectively. Others came running from outside countries because money laundering and similar cars. Should we say the devil is using the prophets and pastors or the pastors and prophets are using the devil?
Marriages are blessed in the church, therefore the church should be the last place one would expect marriages to be destroyed by pastors and prophets. If pastors and prophets are involved in inappropriate relationships then what are they teaching?
We have heard of some prophets and pastors being involved in money laundering in recent years. Isn’t this evidence enough that indeed many pastors are full of crooked mindset? For sure the stories that have exposed their ugly heads in the country is a tip that many pastors and prophets are not good leaders at all. They simply take their pecuniary advantage of the unsuspecting women using verses.