Mzuzu Police And Pakachere Drills Bar Owners On GBV Against Sex Workers

Local Endeavours for HIV/AIDS Prevention and Treatment Project which is under Pakachere Institute for Health, Development and Communication in conjunction with Mzuzu Police Station, today on 27th April 2023 ogarnised an interface meeting with bar owners in Mzuzu.
The project aims at reducing HIV transmission among key populations living with HIV/AIDS. It also offers friendly services ranging from HIV testing, ART, STI screening and treatment Family planning and counselling and gender based violence interventions.
Speaking during the meeting, District Coordinator for the project Veronica Mkandawire said the main objective of the meeting was to discuss gender based violence which happens among sex workers. She said the project is trying it’s best to execute it’s interventions however some bar owners are reluctant to fight the battle
It is a shared responsibility to take part in protecting sex workers so that they are healthy. She added that if sex workers are not taken care of then the whole world is at risk since these people render services to our own husbands, brothers, uncles and any relative we can think of. Therefore, bar owners should take part in helping these people to receive proper treatment which the project renders.
“It’s high time sexworkers have been sidelined and being black labelled, we need to hold hands and help them be protected” said Mkandawire.
Concurring with the coordinator James Manda, one of the bar owners in Mzuzu said Sex workers meet various gender based Violence including physical, mental and sexual abuse. However they were ignorant of what and where to report. He continue by thanking the project for being an eye opener.
In her speech Inspector Flora Njawiri from Mzuzu Police Station, encouraged bar owners to report to police on any gender based violence happening at their hotspots. She said not all sex workers are HIV positive, therefore no man should false them to have unprotected sex. She also warned bar owners not to allow sex workers to live with their children in bars since it’s not a conducive environment for the children and that is violence against children.
In conclusion Mkandawire and Njabiri, reminded the people that sex workers are human beings like any one else and they too need to be treated with dignity.