Office of the President And Cabinet Appeals For Assistance

By Samson Kanyimbo………..
Secretary to the president and cabinet Colleen Zamba has appealed for assistance from all government departments and civil servants towards families affected by cyclone freddy.
A statement signed Zamba says as the president declared the southern region of Malawi as a state of disaster, the government appealed for assistance from locally and internationally entities for all the families affected by tropical cyclone Freddy.
The statement however indicated that all civil servants who are on Grade B and above will pay K150,000, Grade C, K 100,000, Grade D K50,000, Grade E & F K 30,000, Grade G, H & I K20,000, Grade J & K K5000, Grade L & M 2000 and Grade N below must pay K500.
All financial asistance is expected to be channeled through the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DODMA) to the beneficiaries.
And all in-kind donations such as food stuffs, clothes, beddings, utensils, soap and many others are to be collected by the controlling officers of the respective ministries and departments and delivered to the DC’s Offices in their districts who will coordinate with DODMA for distribution to affected families.
The cyclone has affected some parts of Blantyre District, Chikwawa District, Mulanje District, Chiradzulu District, Nthyolo District, Phalombe District and Zomba City and District.
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