
Two arrested for Trafficking In Persons


Barely a day after police arrested 45 Ethiopian nationals at Bwengu, Police in Rumphi have arrested Yohane Mkandawire, 23 and Nelson Mkandawire, 19 for allegedly Trafficking In Persons at Bale area.

The two were arrested on the night of February 15, 2023 within Bale Hill.

Teshel Ayel, 21 and 6 others who are Ethiopian nationals were found hidden in a curve and the two suspects were amongst them .

They have since been charged with Trafficking in Persons and the 7 Ethiopians have been charged with illegal entry into the country and they will appear before court to answer the charges.

Police are appealing to community members to continue working together with police in order to deal with this malpractice.

Further more, the police recommends the good citizens who report whenever they see strange faces.

The two Malawian suspects are from Mhungulu Village under Traditional Authority Mwankhunikira in Rumphi.

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