Bullets target K50M in 2022 FDH Bank Cup alone

Nyasa Big Bullets Football Club have set a gross revenue of K50 million as their target in the FDH Bank Cup this season.
The People’s team who are named as the crowd pullers have managed to rake in K15 million from their past four games that they played in the FDH Bank Cup.
FDH Bank Cup winner walks away with K25 million while the runners up goes home with K8 million which means that Bullets have already managed to amass K33 Million from the FHB Bank.
The Super League Champions will face their Reserve side on October 23 this year but was shifted to the said date because Bullets Reserve have contributed 8 players to the Malawi U-20 National Team as the game was initially scheduled for October 8.
The Blantyre Derby that was played at Bingu National Stadium on Saturday grossed K48.9 Million and Nyasa Big Bullets banked home K9.8 Million.
But before the Blantyre Derby match that they rambled over their neighbours, the people’s team received K1.6 Million from their game against Sable Farming, K2.9 Million against Moyale Barracks and K857,000 against Chitipa United.
The revenue of K15 Million have beat every team that participated in the competition this year.
Bullets Chief Administrative Officer, Albert Chigoga said the target of the team is to pocket over K50 Million by the end of the competition.
“We aim to hit over K50 million after the final match. We are therefore, calling on all our fans to come and patronise the final match. We promise them entertainment on the day. As of now we are very happy with the money that we have managed to collect so far.
“Nyasa Big Bullets is a big brand that must continue to make money. This is business and whatever activity helps in make money must be taken on board,” said Chigoga.
Speaking to times newspaper, Sports analyst Isaac Kamanga has backed Nyasa Big Bullets to make a breakthrough in Africa as their way of running the team is helping them to make money.
“This is a team that is not far from being one of the fastest growing in Africa. I expect them to make a breakthrough shortly. These people are very serious with their football and my hope is that other teams are learning something from their model. It’s about doing right things. The way they are running their team is helping the team get on the ground.
“Their administration and marketing seem to be bearing fruits. We have seen them promoting their games on all media platforms like radios, TVs and social media just to mention afew,” said Kamanga.
The money could go beyond the target as both teams to play in the Final game are from the same administration.
The prize money is already at K33 Million [Winners= K25m and Runners Up=K8m] plus the K15 Million that the senior team have managed to collect from the gate collections, it means that they have already managed to amass K48 Million.