
Govt launches Nationally Determined Contribution Implementation plan


By Lucky Milias

The Malawi government through the Ministry of Natural Resources and Climate Change has launched a Reserved Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) implementation plan which will focus on climate change and mitigation programs.

The NDC is a Malawi’s climate action plan and will work together with another development partner namely United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Paris Agreement which seeks to cut emissions by 51 percent and it will provides information on the country’s mitigation and adaption goals that will be implemented over the years.

Speaking during the launch at Sunbird Capital Hotel in Lilongwe, Ministry of natural resources and climate change Eisenhower Mkaka urged Malawians to concerted resources mobilisation efforts both domestically and externally for Malawi to effectively address the climate change emergency.

The minister has also launched a `€3.8 million which is about 4 billion Japanese Supplementary Budget Climate Change project in which Japan has provided funding UNDP Malawi to support the implementation of NDC through access to clean and affordable energy, ecosystems and landscape restoration and climate resilient agriculture system.

On his part, UNDP representative Shiqeki Motsubara says the project will help over 6000 households through various intervation including rural electrification through supply and installation of households solar PV system, promotions of cook stoves, agro-forestry and sustainable charcoal production.

Japanese ambassador to Malawi Iwakiri Satoshi who was also available during the launch stressed the need for the ministry to ensure seriousness it deserves to safeguard the world for future generations.

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