
Mother netted for killing a three months old baby in Kawale


Police in Kawale township, Lilongwe have arrested a 23 – year-old  Ethel Gustone for allegedly killing her three months old baby girl and dump her in a stream within area 23.

It is on record that the suspect killed her baby and wrapped in a sack bag before throwing her in Msambeta stream.

The matter came to limelight after a certain farmer noticed the child floating in Msambeta stream which is close to his farm.Later he sort police intervention at area 23.

Detectives acted on the matter and successfully arrested the suspect during the night of June 19, 2022.

Gustone will appear in court soon to  answer murder charge.

Gustone hails from kavithiwa Village in the Area of Traditional Authority Chikowi in Zomba District.

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