
Entrepreneurship changes women’s lives


Victims for Gender Based Violence in Nkhata bay district are singing praises for Purple Innovation for Women and Girls (PIWG)organisation for transforming their lives through formation of Entrepreneurship hubs.

The women from Traditional Authority Kabunduli are members from Tiwoniyepo, Towvirane, Kasanula and Umoza entrepreneurship hubs which received K300 thousand each for pass on revolving funds in October, 2021.

Representing the four hubs, Chairperson for Tiwoniyepo hub, Malita Ngumbe, said the k300 thousand kwacha which was shared among ten members per hub, has aided them in establishing business which in turn have eased their daily challenges.
“I was in an abused marriage for a long time; after my husband left me, I had not support.

“However, with support for Purple Innovation for Women and Girls, I was able to establish a business which is now helping me and my family,” she said.

Ngumbe further added that through the entrepreneurship hubs, together with fellow GBV victims have managed to set up butchery, and farms where they grow various food crops.

Nkhata bay District Gender Officer Cecilia Kaunda appreciated PIWG for supporting the GBV survivors.

“Sometimes women are abused because of poverty or lack of daily basics needs after they only rely on their husbands which is very unfortunate so it is very important for them to engage in entrepreneurship groups hence some of GBV cases can be avoided” said Kaunda.

Executive Director of PIWG Patricia Mtungira said it was encouraging to see the women doing well after proper usage of the loan.

“Our expectation is that after the six months, the loans are passed on to other women so that more women benefit from the program.

“The good news is that the amount has been increased to K700. 000 following increased costs of living and those who did well in the past six months will continue to benefit from the program,” she said.

Purple Innovation for Women and Girls is one of the implementing partners under Spotlight initiative which is implementing a project aimed at curbing GBV in parts of Mzimba and Nkhata bay districts.

Establishment of the entrepreneurship hubs for GBV survivors is part of a two year Wukani, End Violence against Girls Project with support from Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund through UN Women in Malawi.

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