
A member of the Dorcas women group at Chirinde Church went home yesterday a sad woman, her cellphone was stolen in a holy spirit mode that completely baffled christians, leaving them without any option but to pray for the ruthless thief!

As the church members were going back into the church for the main service, a holier youngman dressed in holy spirit said to the woman, “ah! Atsogoleri…tingabwereke foni tiyimbire a treasurer…achedwa?” The innocent woman politely surrendered her cellphone to the wolf among the sheep. She went inside convinced that the holy youngman was going to bring the cellphone. It was never to be…

The thief got out of the gate and vanished. It was announced over the public address system that the thief had an accomplice and that people should be careful, there was panic!

There was a special prayer for the thief, as the panic gripped christians could not believe such scenario at the church!

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