
Crime decreases in Nkhata-Bay-Report


Nkhata-Bay Police Station has registered 30% decrease in crime in the first four months of 2022, while road accidents have slightly increased by 29%.

According to crime quarterly report which the Station has released by the research and planning department, the 30 percent decline in overall crime was registered from January to April 2022.

In the same period in 2021, a total number of 206 criminal cases were recorded while in 2022 the station has registered 144 cases.

Despite recording the decrease in crime rate however statistics show that robbery cases have slightly gone up in the district. In 2021, two cases of robbery were registered compared to seven cases which have been reported this year.

However, the Station has also registered an increase in road accidents. From January to April 2021 Nkhata-Bay Police Station registered 21 road accidents and seven people died while the same period this year, six people lost their lives out of 27 road accidents.

The station has embarked on intensive traffic checks in the accident prone areas and road safety awareness through the media and other channels of communication in the district in order to reduce road accidents.

Nkhata-Bay Police Station continues to implement intensive awareness programmes and community interface meetings on security issues, involvement of faith leaders and special unity committee (District Peace and Unity Committee) on optimization of security campaigns in the community as well as police visibility in all crime prone areas and most importantly the good relationship between the police and members of the public to ease policing.

The station is assuring the public that they will continue with the measures to make Nkhata-Bay a safe haven.

Therefore, police wishes to extend their gratitude to all stakeholders and members of the public for their support in fighting against crime.

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